The Fossil Grove is currently owned by Glasgow City Council and currently operated by the Council’s Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability Department.
The building and the fossils inside is a statutory SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and its status and condition is closely monitored by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). Although the building itself is not listed, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) have taken an active advisory role in the building and the fossil conservation and are currently carrying out a number of vital conservation tasks.
The Fossil Grove Trust exists to raise funds and provide advice and support to the Council.
The Current Trustees are: Walter Semple (Chair), Campbell Forrest, Ian Veitch (Treasurer), David Webster, Charles Scott (VPCT), Elizabeth Brown (Whiteinch Community Council) Cllr Feargal Dalton, Cllr Lana Reid-McConnell and Cllr Eunis Jassemi
The Trust has setup an Advisory Group which is led by Scottish Natural Heritage, comprising specialist scientists and curators from Historic Environment Scotland, the Geological Society of Glasgow, Strathcylde Geoconservation Group and Glasgow Museums.
The Trust is now a SCIO and is a member of the Victoria Park Community Trust. Link here
This website is produced and maintained by the Fossil Grove Trust.
The original Trust Deeds can be viewed here Download
Minutes of the Trust meetings can be found here